Home » Blog » False Claims Act » Whistleblower Receives $798,000 For Exposing Fraudulent Billing Practices At Long-Term Care Facilities

Whistleblower Receives $798,000 For Exposing Fraudulent Billing Practices At Long-Term Care Facilities

A former employee of Specialty Hospitals of America, LLC will receive $798,000 for filing a False Claims Act lawsuit that exposed billing practices that led to the government overpaying for Medicare reimbursements by $4.2 million.

In connection with its operation of two long-term care facilities, Specialty Hospitals of America, LLC  filed cost reports that knowingly contained inaccurate revenue and expense data.  Medicare reimbursements based on this bogus data were inflated to the detriment of U.S. taxpayers.

For more information on this case, click here: http://www.justice.gov/usao/dc/news/2013/nov/13-373.html

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